Friday, April 16

Wobbly teeth

My daughter has her first semi-wobbly tooth. I saw some sort of tooth-loss chart a few months ago, and thought I'd make one. It has a place for name, age, etc. Also, a spot to record the age a specific tooth was lost (you can also color in the teeth as you go). Scroll to the bottom of this post, and you can download it for your teeth-losing kids too. (I have a typo in these pictures--the word "loosing"--the file below to download is a fixed version.)

Just click this image below to enlarge. Once it is big, right click it and save it to your desk top. You can print it from there. It is a little narrower than 8.5 inches, I just trimmed off the sides a little.


  1. This is really, really cute. One tip - it's spelled "losing" not "loosing."

  2. Thanks, any spelling tips are good. I'm going to re-upload another of these tonight. Thanks!

  3. Love it! Thank you!

  4. Absolutely cute! Any chance you have a higher resolution file you could post or email?

  5. I was just wondering if you have the correct spelling available to print?

    1. Yeah...I fixed this file a long time ago and forgot to upload the corrected one! Sorry about that!

  6. THANK YOU for your chart!! I've been looking for just a plain ol' "good" teeth chart, and this one is great! Thanks again!!
